Saturday, March 25, 2006


"Is it not bizarre that certain psychiatrists --- most notably those of the Wessely School --- persist in their belief that they alone have the undisputed right to demand a level of “evidence-based” proof that ME/CFS is not an “aberrant belief” as they assert, when their own biopsychosocial belief system that perpetuates such an aberrant belief about the nature of ME/CFS has been exposed as being nothing but a myth?"
The Model of the Myth, Eileen Marshall, Margaret Williams. 17th March 2006.

"Many international non-psychiatrist researchers have demonstrated that patients with ME/CFS do suffer from such multiple symptoms and that these can be shown by relevant testing, but such is the stranglehold of the Wessely School that these tests are not permitted to be carried out in the UK. "
More on the Myth, Eileen Marshall, Margaret Williams, 21st March 2006

Just one question here. Why???

Until this strangle hold is released, patients with ME/CFS will never get the treatment they deserve.


Anonymous said...

Too true Jas.

I've often wondered how old Wessely is and how much longer he has to go ! A hit man is the only other option !!

Vicki x

Unknown said...

I blame him for me being in my 'straightjacket. If I had had appropriate investigation and some treatment years ago I'm sure I would not be here now.

Good idea Vicki.

Highlights from two years of blogging. said...

looks like a great article Jas, I do believe that one day he'll be exposed for the fraud that he is...
the trouble isn't just him, it's the Drs who follow him-- hopefully before long they'll be proven to be ignorant too xxx

Anonymous said...

A-ha! Hence the straightjacket title. Now I understand. How appropriate.

In the US, we have doctors that doen't believe in the diagnosis, but if we hunt around long enough, we can ususally find one. The only thing we have to worry about is when going to other doctors for non Fibro/ME ailments, as they tend to dump it into that. I just don't tell those doctors that I have Fibro and ME.

Anonymous said...

Oh is he STILL on? I vote for murder myself, stupid old bugger...

Unknown said...

Carol, great to see you!

I get a completely different response from the Ra doctors, I see what you mean about don't tell them.

Glad you 'get' my title now!

Helen, he just caused a load of agro last week as he said Gulf War syndrome doesn't exist. He is head of some panel to do with that.He gets around doesn't he? Perhaps he will retire soon, we hope.

Sue said...


I'm a 47yr old cat lover with ME. I enjoyed reading your lovely Blog.

You may have heard that a young girl in England just died of ME. Her name was Sophie, and if you'd care to look, here is a link to her story, written by her mother.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the lovely comments.
I have been reading Invest in ME, surely food for though but I doubt old Wessely is interested somehow.