Friday, March 31, 2006

Sad Day Today

Today I have had some very sad news. A good friend of mine is losing a good friend of hers to kidney failure. This friend has been with her through thick and thin, bad times and good for over 10 years. He is the light of her life, her constant companion. He has cheered her up in her darkest hours, comforted her when she felt sad, and brought joy to her when she found none elsewhere.

Now his days are numbered. I hope that his passing is peaceful and without pain and that my friend can find light in her life with her precious memories. Coming so soon soon after the death of my dear Malmesley this news seems to have affected me greatly. I am crying with her.


Highlights from two years of blogging. said...

oh how sad, Jas, I'm sorry to read this.
D xx

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written Jas.

Vicki x

Anonymous said...

heartbreaking. for you both. first the kitty and now boodles...

i am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, not Boodles! I'm so sorry to hear this. Thanks for your thoughtful words, Jas.

Anonymous said...

I am so terribly sad about our friend losing her beautiful is heartbreaking...all the more heartbreaking when we are ill and rely on them (and they on us) so much.

I am really sad to hear that Malmesley has died...she was a beautiful, beautiful cat. The things I do not know...I am so sorry, Jas.

How is my favorite Mr. Naughty doing? I miss her goings on, stories of Greece and tales of your past job. Sorry about the all the side effects of the Plaquenil...hope they are easing.

Just got your site address today...I didn't have it.

I miss you, too...

Anonymous said...

Oh Jas, I only just saw this, thank you.

I'm sorry you felt so sad, let's hope they are both playing togteher somewhere, happy health and free.

Thanks to the others above also xx

Unknown said...

If they are then it's a good bet Boodles is chasing Malmesley and Malmesley will escape up a tree!

Anonymous said...

Oh he'll be chasing her alright! Bless them both xx