Monday, March 06, 2006

Two weeks on

I have taken 14 plaquenil now and some of the side effects are beginning to be noticeable. Firstly my eyes are quite blurred sometimes. It was starting about an hour after I have taken the daily dose and lasting about 2 hours. Yesterday however they remained blurred most of the day. Today is more of the same and I haven't even taken today's dose yet. My right eye is worse than the left. Will give this a few more days to see if it abates before I start rattling the GP's cage. Am having a routine eye check next week anyway.

Secondly my skin has become very dry and on Saturday it was itchy and red. Not sure if this is a side effect or what? Cold weather effects maybe?

Another noteworthy symptom is that my hands are stiff again in the mornings. Surely not already? I only had the cortisone shots 16 days ago, it should have lasted longer than this. My left shoulder is twinging too. Last time the '8 month solution' lasted 8 weeks, this time only 2 weeks. I am depressed now as I know that within 3 weeks I will most likely have two frozen shoulders again.

I was told this RA was agressive, I didn't realise it was positively war-like.

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