Thursday, November 14, 2013

Harm and Hippocrates

A month on and the Samento and Banderol have gone out of the window again. I was herxing so badly I was unable to do any work and this is my other busy period in the year.  The 6 weeks between the end of October and the fist week in December is prime Christmas selling time and I have been inundated with orders. So I'm back on my normal regime of arthritis meds and pain killers. 

I'm also worried about my increasing inability to walk more than about 20 yards and this is giving me real problems at shows when I have to stand for the best part of the day and where you rely on legs to get you about. Coupled with the fact I seem unable to carry anything at all, doing a show on my own is almost impossible unless I can park right next to the venue. The purchase of a mobility scooter is looking a lot more likely. WH does all the fetching and carrying for me but his arthritis is worse than ever this year, so bad in fact he's booked a GP appointment which is almost unheard of.  Between us we are a right pair of old crocks!

I'm planning on doing the samento etc again after Christmas when I have 3 months of work purely at home. My Gp has agreed to refer me to the new National Lyme Clinic in Winchester, that was a couple of weeks ago and I have heard nothing since. A request for extra antihistamines for my ever increasing itchy rash was met with agreement to my face and total refusal when I tried to collect the prescription. I am also awaiting yet another dermatology appointment, but I'm not holding my breath. Meanwhile the antihistamines are an OTC drug so guess who's buying loads in Boots?  

Once again the NHS conspires to confound those of us who really need their help, the chronically sick. The GMC website has a fascinating page on the duties of a doctor. It makes interesting reading. I thought that one of the tenets of the Hippocratic oath was do no harm, all my dealings with NHS medics seems to be at odds with this, harm is done by omission.   It's about time someone started to take some notice.