Monday, October 10, 2016

Two years and counting

Well it's been a long while but here I am again. So what's new? Well not a lot in some ways and loads in others. I still have Lyme Disease, I was bitten again in 2014 and yet again recently I removed a small tick from my ankle after going blackberry picking. I'm nowhere near as well as I was and at times the Lyme seems to take over.

It's not just Lyme though, the whole of last year and the first half of this one my rheumatologist played around with my meds as he thought they didn't suit me. No matter what I thought. I spent most of that time in the wilderness of no mess or mess that worked inadequately to the point that my arthritis progressed worse than it should have done. Finally I am now back where I started, they seem to have kicked in and so I'm back on Methotrexate. I still sleep for England the day after my weekly dose but it's worth it for the benefit.

In other health news I started to follow up a diagnosis of a genetic lung defect I had years ago and one which I was told to ignore by my GP, the Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency, known as A1AT.    After having a cold which went on for months I asked a different GP about it to be told something completely different with the net result it has been followed up big time. I now have a diagnosis of something in my lung which has shown up in an X-ray. Lung tests last week were abysmal so I now wait until mid novemeber to see someone about that. Meanwhile my breathing had become awful, I have a permanent pain in my back and nothing shifts it. I have night sweats for England too.  It will be interesting to see what transpires with this.

It's not all gloom and doom though. I'm still just about running my business and managing to do some awareness stuff on the net for Lyme Disease. My garden is looking better than it has for years, helped in part by us actually having had a summer this year, albeit with a late start.

I'll leave you with a picture of my favourite geranium which has bloomed for months and is still in bloom now, Lavender Pinwheel. Well I tried by Blogger doesn't want me to add it. Will have to have another go some other time. Ciao