Monday, December 31, 2007

Thank goodness this one is over

and YES I do mean the year.

2007 has been spectacularly bad for us so I'll be heartily pleased when Big Ben rings in the new one.

In January I lost my Mother after a short illness. I too was very ill and at the end of that month I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. WH gave evidence in a murder trial the same week.
In February we started to try and buy another house, we finally got the key in late June. I started the Lyme treatment and was ill for weeks.
In March we were entirely taken up with estate agents, solictors and sorting out my Mother's estate.
In April we were still having hassle from estate agents and solicitors.
In May we met the customer from hell.
In June we went to Greece and landed in forest fires and temperatures of 47 degrees C. We spent most of our time there on the phone to structural engineers due to problems with an ongoing project here. The police also rang whilst we were half way up a mountain asking about yet another murder.
In July I lost my second 'mother' after a sudden illness.
In August all the shows I usually attend in the summer were cancelled because of bad weather. I developed a hernia.
In September I had even more problems with my foot which had started in July, by now I could barely walk. The customer from hell continued to give us grief.
In October my foot burst open and 3 large pieces of wood were extracted. I had a hernia operation and was grounded for 2 weeks.
In November our labourer disappeared and left us stranded the busiest week of the new build.
In December the weather was so bad we are are 4 weeks behind with the build and then WH developed the flu and has been ill ever since. WH seems to have a stalker too.

Amongst this there have been a few bright moments, we have a new Grandson born in June, we saw Hayseed Dixie several times and met several other Outhousers and above all I have been continuously sustained by a few close friends and family members who are always there for me no matter what.

As we go forward to 2008 these are the things I want to take with me, the hopes, the plans and the realisation that nothing should be quite so bad again. As for 2007, you can forget it.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Christmas was, well, like Christmas always is, too much of everything. Now we both have bugs, a heavy cold in my case, the flu in his and of course man-flu is always so much worse.

So excuse me a short while as I rush back to the bedside and play nurse.

I may be some time.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tis the season to be jolly

Wow, what a week!

Now all I have to do is recover in time for the big day. We had 2 nights running socialising, a couple of BIG shopping trips, a recycle bin full of cardboard from all the deliveries of stuff I bought on the net and I now have 2 rooms half full of wrapped prezzies after a marathon wrap fest which had the upper floor looking like a training ground for Santa's elves. Half my kitchen has decamped into the garden in large sealed plastic boxes and all because we have 9 people for Christmas day. In this shoe box. I hesitate to say of course that we should have been round the corner in the new house and with a LOT MORE SPACE.

Today, I have mince pies to make and a cake to ice. Easy peasy, I thought until I realised that I have to retrieve the mixer from under a ton of 'decluttered' junk in the understairs cupboard. I'm trying frantically to do all the prep today so I can spend tomorrow in a social whirl of present delivering (and hopefully receiving) and celebrating the 'Depressed Painter's' birthday with a long boozy lunch a trois.

Once the main event is over, we await the New Year and dare not make a mess before January 1st when we will have to spend the day removing all the signs of festivities and declutter yet again for lo and behold, on the Second of Jan, we have a house viewing.

Fingers crossed it will herald the start of a much better year then this, which I for one will not be sorry to see the back of.

Friday, December 14, 2007

I've heard it all now.

Just read this.

I know that was in the US but the same sort of thing is happening here too.

God help them when they become parents, What they already are? you say.

Quite possibly. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas is a-coming

And thoughts turn to getting all those difficult presents sorted out. Actually as my family are abroad we use the Amazon wish lists so at least we can send something wanted. That's for the people who do their wish list in time. The Muso of course has his mind on other things so hasn't bothered yet. It's a brilliant system and I like it much better than just sending a cheque or money order or even boring clothing in the mail, plus you get to see what people want.

My own wishlist is a mix of must read books, odd ball music and the purely mundane but a pain to find (a mixer cover for goodness sake?) with a sprinkling of the purely frivolous, jewellery, ice cream maker (for the twice a year I might fancy actually making some) etc etc. It will be nice if some of the frivolous stuff gets given to me, after all the point of a present, I always think, is that it must be something the recipient would not HAVE to buy for themselves.

So far I have done all my wishlist purchasing and am on taget for an early finish. As for Muso, if he doesn't get his list in quick it will be back to socks or even worse, underwear. You have been warned.
Wow, within an hour of posting this I received the list. Someone's ears must have been burning!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

It's official, No covers

Cooking Vinyl have announced the release date for Hayseed Dixie's next album, No Covers for 18th Feb 2008. Guess what WH is getting for his birthday? Sounds a blast, I can't wait.

Meanwhile to set the scene for this feast of totally original material, have a listen to this. If this doesn't get you jumping then duh....nothing will.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Bird Fest

I don't usually see a Siskin in my garden until January, this year there are already several competing with the Blue Tits for the best bits of my feeders.

The mornings now are a regular squawking session. Today I counted Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Great Tits, Siskins, a Chaffinch, Goldfinches, Greenfinches, a Robin, Starlings, a Wren, a Blackbird and House Sparrows all jockeying for position. Only the Golfinches like the Niger seed however and then only one of the two feeders seeing as these are indentical I'm baffled as to what the difference is.

A big hit has been the string of feedstuffs I bought in the local dicsount supermarket consisting of alternate fat balls and peanut feeders along an 800mm length of plastic netting. I hung this from my red maple and it's cute to see a chain of diminutive Blue Tits all busily pecking away.

I'm hoping this mildish weather continues as I'ts a great sight to watch so many little visitors.

PS. For some spectacular photos of owls go and look at Graham Catley's site. As always superb pictures of some rare and some not so rare birds.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

One week later

Whew, can't believe a whole week has gone by so fast.

A momentous day today as I have put my little box-type house on the market after 22 and a half years here. I said I would stay a couple of years and then find something bigger. Events always conspired to thwart it. Now however, the time has come and the deed is done. The first ad is due next week. Seems strange so close to Christmas but the HIPS fiasco has made it timely now and I get to save about £700 in the process.

Round the corner and the scaffolders have finally come so we can press on upwards again. A quick site meeting with WH confirms that we *should* have a roof on the extension by Christmas and on the kitchen by New Year. The weather continues to wage war on the brickies so the build is much slower than it would have been had we started on schedule in June. As it is we're not doing badly coming to the end of the seventh week, particularly as the building inspector doubled the size of the foundations at a stroke and delayed us a full week.

I wanted to be in for Christmas, Easter looks much more likely now!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Meatloaf and Barbecued cabbage

In recognition of yesterday's Thanksgiving celebrations I made an American style dinner last night, Meatloaf. A recipe given to me about 30 years ago which I adored but have not made in the last 20 for some reason. It seemed as good a time as any to resurrect it.

It was every bit as yummy as I remembered. WH loved it too although for the stated reason that it tasted like faggots! I served it with barbecued cabbage and mashed potatoes and the whole combo was divine although WH wasn't so keen on the cabbage which comes in a tomato laden sauce that is just perfect over the meatloaf.

They're both a cinch to make.


500g minced beef
1 small onion very finely chopped
1 packet stuffing mix made up with water and allowed to cool
1 tablespoon brown sauce
1 large or 2 small eggs

Mix all ingredients together and push into a 2lb loaf tin well greased and lined with paper.

Barbecued Cabbage
Slice white cabbage into 30 cm wedges.
Place in a baking dish
Pour over a 400ml tin of chopped tomatoes mixed with 1 teaspoon made mustard, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 1 tablespoon tomato puree and 1 tablespoon tomato ketchup.
Cover the dish with foil.

Place both dishes in the centre of a preheated oven and cook at 180 degrees C for 90 minutes.
Serve with mashed potatoes; comfort food at it's best.
Oh and the meatloaf is good cold too, just how WH likes faggots.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Seeing as my real family lives across the pond, I wish all readers a Happy Thanksgiving and the realisation that it is only a few weeks now to our own bunfight on Christmas Day.

Help, it's about time I got myself organised.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Wilder Network

A big hug and thanks to Terri for sending me the link for this brilliant Lyme Disease site, The Wilder Network. I can see already that it's going to take me ages to read all the info on there but it looks most comprehensive. My lovely doctor trained with one of the main names on there so I'm in good company I guess.

It's essential reading for anyone who lives in an area where deer ticks are prevalent. As you can see from the image they're not that big but boy do they cause some trouble if undetected. Get reading folks.

Friday, November 16, 2007

A forgotten way of life

© James Ravilious; Beaford Archive/CORBIS

Last night we watched the BBC4 programme on the life of James Ravilious, a little known Devon based photographer who spent 17 years of his life photographing rural Devon for the Beaford Archive. I first saw some of his work several years ago at an exhibition and have loved it ever since. The picture above I have as a print in my offfice.

James Ravilious trained in fine arts and it shows in his photos, they are superb as well as being a record of a farming way of life that has all but disappeared.

Have a look at these and enjoy them too.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Excitement, Excitement

In the cold of November I am already thinking about the spring and the news that Hayseed Dixie will be back touring in the UK in March is just what I wanted to hear. C'mon guys, update your website!

Oh, a little bird told me that the new album will be out just prior to that.

I'm warming up already.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

My Virtual Family

Funny in this cyber world we live in we seem to get all sorts of friends and families around us. Yesterday I spent some time on my family tree, something I have not been able to do for months. I really enjoy genealogy and even 7 years down the line find new things to dig about in. Anyway I digress. I had been contacted by a chap who proves to be a very distant relative, we share the same Great Great Great Grandparents. We had an email conversation and he shared some information with me and I returned the favour. I get the feeling we will be in touch again. This has happened before and I have a small catalogue of distantly related people that I share stuff with occasionally.

I have also built a small but close group of people with whom I share symptoms and ailments. Originally I met these on a message board which supported people with similar diagnoses. The group evolved and moved elsewhere and then eventually split up. Some people I am still in contact with 6 years later, some I have met in real life, have spoken to on the phone and some remain a daily support and network, there in an instant when you need them and happy to be in the background when you don't. Notably when I had surgery recently these were the friends who sent cards, flowers and general cheer up messages unlike my local friends who stayed away.

My real family is spread thinly and wide. My closest relatives live in the USA and I see them rarely, a source of great disappointment to me as I have missed the best part of my nephew's and niece's formative years. I say the best part, because 2 weeks a year is nothing. The main reason for this is my inability to travel long distances. We go to Greece, sure, but a less than 4 hour flight is no comparison with an 8 hour, then change to another for an hour. I did this once 11 years ago and it almost killed me. When I arrived home it took me 6 weeks to recover. I was in bed solidly for 2 of those. Hence my reluctance to go again. The whole experience was made worse by my catching Parvo Virus whilst there and this affected my heart and then I got arthritis as well so the effects were devastating to say the least. Understandably I am loath to repeat that experience. My other close relative lives abroad too for most of the year and I see her almost as infrequently.

My lack of actual blood relatives was brought home to me recently when I underwent a General Anaesthetic and had to give the name of my next of kin. In the UK. I don't have one! WH may be my nearest and dearest be he's no next of kin. So I put him anyway. It did make me think maybe we ought to make this a more permanant arrangement after over 16 years together, somehow I don't think he's too keen.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Work in Progress

After weeks and weeks of destruction, things are starting to take shape. We are actually building, hence my being away from the internet and having to get out and do stuff. OK, OK, it's only delivering breakfasts, keeping the tea stocked up and fetching sundry parts and supplies but it's all in a good cause.

The top pic is of the rear extension and the other one is the living room, now without the kitchen sticking out and with the fab new glass doors which will eventually open onto the dining area and to another set of glass doors leading to the wonderful south facing rear garden. Already I just LOVE it. Not least for the sun which streams on the back of the house even on a cold November morning.

The best news of all? My fig tree is surviving and has loads of figs developing for next year. Roll on Summer.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Music was my first love

And it still is.

Since my relative recovery from Lyme I have rediscovered a mis-spent youth of concerts, gigs and playing loud music in my car. At the moment on the CD player is the Kerosene Brothers (the alter-ego of Hayseed Dixie) Choose Your Own Title along with everything Hayseed Dixie ever released. Intersperse this with UB40's Greatest Hits, all sorts of Notis Sfakianakis and some vintage Christopher Cross and you get a really weird mixture. As Barley Scotch says you need more than one kind of music in your machine.

Last week we went to see The Treefrogs at Combe St Nicholas, a brilliant night made even better by the lunatic dancer who managed to stay on his feet against all the odds. I'll never look at our plasterer the same way again! Rock on Danny! This week we're hoping to see the Lost Boys, another one of Danny's collaborations, at the George in Uffculme. Having seen Hayseed Dixie 4 times this year along with an abortive visit to Status Quo at Dudley Castle, we're now off to see Madness and UB40 5 days apart in Plymouth in December. There are rumours too of a Mad Dog McCrea gig sometime soon too.

Meanwhile if I get to wondering what my muso relative is doing across the pond, I can always watch The Old Southern Bluegrass Riverside Boxwap Family Band.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Mud, Mud, Glorious mud

After weeks of nothing much very visible happening on the new house, today saw the start of the groundworks. The crew were due at 9am. They arrived at 11 and had a tea break, six phone calls and a big conflab. After another few phone calls they decided they needed more equipment so off went the tractor and trailer to fetch some. Another truck appeared. Some more digger parts appeared. They had another cup of tea.

About 2pm they started and cleared the whole back-garden in about 40 minutes. I fetched 6 year-old grandson to watch after school." It's boring," he said, "they wont let me do anything, I'm going home." I watched fascinated.

All that is left is a pile of rubble to be removed in the morning, a pile of bushes to be replanted and a wide expanse of flat clear space where the lawn will be. No dead trees, no stumps, no little twee brick walls, no giant weeds.

I love it.

Just got to dig the foundations tomorrow then we will be really motoring on.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Back from the front line

I'm home. I've got stitches. I'm sore. I can walk but I can't sit.

I was allergic to the dressings. I was allergic to some of the hospital equipment (Memo to self: Does this mean I have a latex allergy?). I was only in for 8 hours after all the fuss before-hand. I was accompanied by WH the WHOLE time.

I'll be housebound for the next few days. I will be able to drive in a couple of weeks. I'll be packing for the move in a couple more.

I had a hernia, which was nothing really to a 'normal' but to a Lymie, it's a whole other country, let alone the complications that having an infection in my foot brought.

It's over. Yay!!!!!!

Cartoon courtesy of

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bye for now

At risk of yet another medical post I am going into hospital tomorrow for a small operation so will not be here for a while.

See you soon.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The NHS strikes again

More and more this blog this turning into a rant against the NHS. I do give them a chance, honestly, but the more things that happen to me the more I seem to be turning into Dr Rant or NHS Blogdoctor, minus the medical degree of course.

This latest episode with my right foot has proved once again that GP's don't spend enough time with their patients to form a proper diagnosis and more importantly if you suffer from unfashionable ilnesses or diagnoses like I do, ME, Fibromyalgia, Lyme disease and a weight gain resulting from inappropriate medications, they don't always want to listen. It's the good old heart-sink trap again. But like the famous boy who cried wolf, sometimes heart-sink patients do actually have something wrong with them apart from the never ending list on the practice computer screen.

I was lucky yesterday. I saw a locum GP who was lovely, had no preconceived ideas about me and actually examined the foot in question for the first time in 9 weeks rather than casually glancing from the side. She left the room momentarily to fetch a nurse and we heard her say "Well she definitely has something in there, it's quite obvious, it must have been there for weeks". An hour later I had had 3 pieces of wood removed from my heel.

So why did it take 4 GP visits over 9 weeks with 3 different doctors to finally extract what was painful for me and clearly very obvious to the locum. In all this time I have been told to keep up my excercise levels (How, precisely, on one foot?), take some painkillers, ignore it and walk on it properly.

The locum sent me to A&E for a soft tissue Xray and then the balloon went up. The Xray was abnormal. Surprise surprise. I explained it was calcification due to Lyme Disease so some very old plates were found and a lot of old notes and they finally agreed that that was not the cause this time. I have strong antibiotics now for a week after which I have to return the A&E to get checked over by an orthopaedic surgeon if if the heel is not completely better. At least someone has finally taken notice.

The examination I had from the locum under a strong light was very different from the perfunctory look I was given initially. It took maybe 5 minutes longer. If this had been done in the first place, 4 appointments would have been saved and the trip to A&E and the 4 hour wait.

And the NHS is trying to save money. What a joke.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Not my left foot part 2

Well for 8 weeks I have been struggling on my right foot in various degrees of pain, ranging from mild to absolute agony, where I have been unable to put any weight on it at all. The GP decided weeks ago that it was another bout of fasciitis which I had in 1995 and has been treating me with anti-inflammatories. I however have not been convinced.

Last night I was proved correct. The side of my foot literally burst open and an abcess was revealed.

I am waiting for the surgery to open now so I can get it looked at properly. Maybe it will start to heal now and I will be able to walk again.

Friday, October 05, 2007

What a waste

When I first saw you, you presented with the highest number of Lyme symptoms I have ever seen in one person. You were really very, very ill. I can not believe that your regular GP missed it. Especially as you had the EM rash and a defined onset.

No, not a dream but the words of my wonderful consultant yesterday.

I was also told that I would never have 100% cast iron test results and in any case they were not that useful per se anyway and it was probably a waste of money testing for all sorts of things when all the clinical signs were there in such a massive number. And yet every other medic I have consulted over the last miserable, bloody, frustrating 16 years had missed them, ALL. A point not lost on me, WH and the consultant.

The medics who asked if I was really that bad, the medics who thought I was hysterical, the pain specialist who said "Well of course a lot of these symptoms are not proved to exist anyway", the medics who said "You'll just have to work through it", the medics who said "Try exercise", the medics whose faces fell when I walked into their surgery, the medics who said "Get out more," the medics who told WH to let me get on with it, the medics who said "really it's not that bad" the medics who said "Here take these antidepressants, you'll feel much better," the medics who told me to get a life.

I only wish.

This revelation seems to have really affected me. I know I was told before that Lyme was 99% likely and then the treatment started working so it looked as though the diagnosis WAS right, but never before had it been said in so many words, so definitely,categorically: "This is what you have got and have always had, since 1991."

So today I am still weepy and feel like I have wasted 16 years of my life but at least the end is in real sight now, it's not just a maybe. And also the realisation that all these odd things were not just me being awkward/attentionseeking/lazy they were a REAL illness.

And how many more people are there out there like me?

ETA Whats with the colour?? Blogger misbehaving again, at least it beats my dashboard coming up in German which was last week's surprise.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Seeing as everyone has so many questions (Terri!!) here are a few answers to those you have asked and those you want to ask!!

How do you preserve lemons?
It's easy peasy, see here. Afterwards use them them in Morrocan dishes, with curries and finely shredded in a marinade for meats, olives etc

Am I in the new house yet?
Er, no. We start work on the extension this coming Tuesday. I am moving out of here the last week of November and I hope that we'll have a working kitchen-diner big enough for all the family at Christmas, we have to seat 12 comfortably so it will need to be finished.

Have I been to Greece recently?
Another resounding NO. I am having surgery in 2 weeks time so all holidays have been on hold.

Have I been to Denmark yet?
No, see answer above.

Why am I on steroids? again?
Having had the rash from Hell for the last 3 months I have tried 4 different antihistamines (well all the ones I had not tried before for any reason) and they still didn't stop the itch, not even when taken together at excessive doses. Steroids was an almost last resort. They didn't work either. The last resort were some meds you used to take for stomach ulcers, now well outdated but they *might* have some sort of synergistic effect on antihistamines. RESULT. I am on my second itch free day since May and it's marvellous.

Why do I have so much energy?
Steroid high. I'm making the most of it.

How's the Lyme disease?
Still on the treatment, getting slowly better in terms of stamina, mental capacity and energy such that other people now notice. And yes this was well before the 10 days of steroids! Actually I see the consultant tomorrow so watch this space for his take on things.

How's the RA?
And here is the rub, it's getting slowly worse, but temper this with the knowledge that I have had no treatment at all for it for 9 months and things get more into perspective. I probably need to restart the methotrexate to ensure I don't have yet another seized-up winter. Of course I have more movement in my hands than I have had for months due to the steroid treatment but as we know from previous encounters, the effect lasts 8 weeks at best and 2 weeks at worst. I need to act now to get it under control before we have some really cold weather. If I restart methotrexate I have to stop the Lyme treatment, so whats a girl to do? Dither at the moment.

What did I get for my birthday?
In no particular order:
A box of chocs
The good, good pig. A most excellent read.
A weekend washbag and lurverly smellies
A new food mixer
A notepad
A humungous bunch of flowers
Money/vouchers for cds
More books
A foodie hamper
A necklace
And it was only an ordinary birthday. I am so lucky to have such generous family and friends.

Why am I still in England at all?
I really wonder that one myself. The temperature here last week was the same as in Athens in January. We have another 6 months to go of this winter, so this year we will have had a 12 month winter in total. The weather here really sucks. Next year it had better improve or else...

Hope this keeps you satisfied for 5 minutes. I'm away for the weekend now so I'll have more on that and the consultant later.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Six things I have done in the last few days

Just to prove I am actually doing something........

1. Made a jar of preserved lemons

2. Seen Hayseed Dixie in Bristol. Wow, best gig ever.

3. Turned another year older.

4. Driven for hours collecting building materials.

5. Received the biggest display of flowers I have ever seen. They are still filling the living room and scenting the whole house.

6. Started on the demon steroids yet again, only this time I am losing weight, not gaining it.

Back soon with more stunning highlights!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Spicy Sunshine Soup

This is a real warmer for those first chilly days of autumn when you have a glut of produce in the kitchen and are running out of ideas as to what to do with it all.

Serves 8 easily.

Half a butternut squash, peeled and diced
2 medium onions diced
3 yellow or red peppers, de-seed and diced
6 tomatoes halved. I used yellow ones which looked great.
1 green chili de-seeded and sliced
1 tablespoon ground coriander
half tablespoon ground paprika. On this occasion I would NOT used smoked.
2 cloves garlic chopped
5ml olive oil
1pint (20oz) vegetable stock
1 teaspoon sugar
black pepper to taste

Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the onions, fry gently until translucent; add the garlic and stir in the oil. Add the rest of the veg and the spices and sweat gently for a couple of minutes.

Pour on the vegetable stock and bring to the boil. Simmer gently for about half an hour until all the veg is well cooked. Add the teaspoon of sugar and back pepper to taste. Whizz in a blender until smooth.

I always leave the skin on peppers and tomatoes. Once it has been whizzed, the soup is quite smooth. However if you want to you can remove the skins either before you cook the soup or when it has come to the boil. You can stand over it and as the veg softens, the skins rise to the top and and are easy to remove from the pan with a slotted spoon.

Serve with crusty bread and cheese or for a special lunch, cheese muffins.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hanging in there

I'm still here, still busy, still in the old house, but far too busy to write here.

I'll be back soon, I promise.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The disappointment continues

Well the gig of the year was a wash-out, personally speaking. First off, the motorway was closed so we had a long detour via Wales. This meant that we were an hour late for lunch with the other Outhousers. Nevertheless we had a great time and a great lunch with lovely people. So far so good.

Later we left the hotel in brilliant sunshine, got to the Gig in a bit of cloud, saw the first two groups and by then it started to rain. And rain. And rain. Halfway through Hayseed Dixie we had to leave. By then my muscles were shaking and I could barely move. Our clothes were dripping wet and we could wring out the water.

One hour later we were dried off and sitting in warm clothes in the local Tandoori! Three days later I am still suffering the effects of getting so wet and sitting in pools of water for an hour, cold water and neurological Lyme do NOT mix. We didn't even get to see Status Quo, the headline group at all.

I thought that if I got my op date on Monday that would cheer me up. Last Friday I was told I could have it as soon as possible, by Monday that date was mid October. The surgeon didn't think to tell me he was on holiday for the WHOLE of September.

So I'm still waiting.

To alleviate the boredom I've booked to see the Hayseeds again in Bristol on 23rd September, indoors. This time it had better be good!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Pear shaped

Well most of my plans for the end of summer are now on hold. I am wating for a small operation to undo the damage I did moving two paving slabs in the back garden. I saw the consultant yesterday and I should be booked in for 2 weeks time, I'll know for definite on Monday.

At least the end is now in sight; however, I had to cancel the trip to Denmark, next week's break in Cornwall and so far the holiday in Greece looks a non-starter too. We are still off tomorrow for one night only, as they say, to see the Quo and the Hayseeds and to meet up with other Outhousers. Full report to follow.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

All in a Pickle

A glut of plums on WH's tree and a wonderful new source of the biggest blackberries I have ever seen, couple that with apples on the tree in our new house and my thoughts turn to preserves; not jam particularly, we don't eat much of that and in any case WH ONLY LIKES STRAWBERRY, which is a total pain, but chutney and gallons of it too.

I am just making my second batch of plum chutney this week and have also made tomato chutney, runner bean pickle, and blackberry and apple chutney. The plum however remains my favourite and I didn't even wait the obligatory week for it to mature in the jar before I began delving in. Aah, heaven in a tablespoon. It's brilliant with cold meat, jacket potaoes and cheese sandwiches not to mention what it does to a curry.

Sweet Plum Chutney
Makes about 5 pounds.

4lbs stoned plums
1lb peeled and chopped cooking apples
1lb finely diced onions
2lbs sugar
1 pint (20 fl oz) vinegar, 5% acidity
1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground allspice
3 teaspoons ground mixed spice
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon groung nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground mustard

Throw all the ingredients into a large preserving pan. Simmer slowly until all the fruit and veg is well cooked. Turn up heat and reduce liquid until thick and pulpy. Cooking will probably take about 2 hours in total.

Allow to cool for 10 mins then pot into suitable warmed and sterilised pickle jars.

Leave for one week to mature before opening.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I'm IN at the Outhouse

Just an update on my ongoing saga with the Hayseeed Dixie Outhouse. Well someone read my moans on here and took pity on me (thanks Kook) and now I'm a fully fledged member, posting and all.

A week on Sunday we're seeing them live with Status Quo at Dudley Castle, just hope my foot recovers in time, I feel a serious need to bop coming on.

Monday, August 20, 2007

NOT My Left Foot

After a day when I have to all intents and purposes become a builder's supply delivery driver, I finally got home at 4.45 only to have to rush out again to a doctor's appointment in order to find out what ails my right foot. My request for a nurse appointment to 'just have a quick look' was met with dogged insistence that I attend the branch surgery 8 miles away to have a doctor examine it immediately.

Turns out the nurse was right, I have an infection in my sole, most probably I stood on a splinter or something and it started that way. Not that I remember doing anything like that, but a definite possibility as the house project resembles a building site more than anything else these days. So more antibiotics and a ten minute explanation when I told him that I already take them 'off licence' for Lyme Disease. And then that light-bulb moment on the doc's face as he realised that I was 'the one' they had had to have a partner's discussion about, whether to prescribe for me or not. (Answer = NOT)

I have however been prescribed the impossible this time. I have to keep off my feet for 3-4 days. Easier said than done in my new (but temporary) career. I can drive without my left foot at a pinch (in an automatic) but not my right. Solve that one doctor.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Pasta Paella

You know when you desperately want to make a great recipe then you don't have the right ingredients or can't for some other reason, well I had that experience just last night.

I had a sudden craving for Paella, well WH can't eat rice so I thought I'd do it with pasta. Then came a phone call and the third member of the dining party announced he hates fish. I was stumped then but decided to have a go at a fish-less version anyhow. Despite virtually every ingredient being substituted for something else, the basic spicing and background flavours were all there and Oh boy it worked and worked well, giving the right amount of Spanish hit that I had been craving. I used kritharaki, a Greek rice shaped pasta which is smaller than the Italian orzo but rice would work even better. The pasta does make the dish slightly more sticky overall.

Serves 4.

150g cubed turkey steak or chicken
100g lean diced smoked bacon
150g peeled prawns
150g sliced chorizo (I actually used wild boar sausage and only discovered when it was too late!)
1 large onion diced
2 red peppers diced
150g peas
150g orzo, kritharaki or rice
2 cloves garlic sliced
500 ml chicken stock (or fish stock)
150ml home made tomato sauce or passata
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
half teaspoon saffron soaked in 50ml warm water
20ml olive oil
black pepper to taste

Heat the oil in a pan and brown the meat, add the onions and peppers and stir fry until the veg has started to cook down. Add the chorizo and bacon and cook untilt the fat starts to melt. Add the garlic and turn in the oil but do not allow to colour as it then becomes bitter. Now add the paprika, stir around then add the stock, the saffron in it's soaking liquid and the tomato sauce. Stir in the pasta or rice and allow to simmer for 15 minutes on a low heat and check frequently to ensure it does not stick to the pan. Check to see if the rice/pasta is done and cook further until it is cooked to your liking. You can add extra water at this stage if it needs it.

Stir in the peas and cook for 3 minutes then finally stir in the prawns and allow to heat through. Check the seasoning and add black pepper to taste. You shouldn't need to add any extra salt as the ingredients are salty enough.
Serve, eat and dream of sunshine.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Misty mystery

On Sunday we put a collar and a bell on Misty to try to stop him terrorising the local bird population. To say he went berserk is an understatement, he shot up the stairs and then immmediately turned tail and shot out of the cat flap. WH reckoned he was faster than a greyhound. Anyway that was the last we saw of him for over 24 hours.

We searched, called and rattled his favourite biscuit tin, all to no avail. Eventually we went out on Monday, we had a 9th Birthday party to attend. When we got back at about 9pm there he was, large as life and angry. See that wild look in his eyes, that was nothing. His wimp of a brother wouldn't go near him because of the noisy collar so we had to remove it. The twins then raced round for an hour or so until they were exhausted. True to form Misty was starving too and has eaten non-stop ever since.

What we can't undestand was where he went. He obviously had no food or water during that time and now he's making us pay. It's the second time he's disappeared completely but surely he didn't choose to hide like that. Strange cat that it is that can be so angry he misses a whole day's food. And that disapproving scowl, that's permanent now!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The power of Schmooze

Hey, I won an award. Shout it from the rooftops. My first one. And all because the wonderfully talented Di gave it to me.
It's a Blogging Community Involvement Award and the idea is you pass it on to 5 people who in your opinion have contributed to the blogging community.
So here goes:
And the winners are:
Thursday's Child for just well, um being Thursday.
Farmgirl Fayre for brightening the days of so many with her animal tales, delicious recipes and of course her daughter Cary.
Joshilyn for being a scream and making us laugh with every word.
Liverpool Leftovers for blogging despite all her adversity and loss.
And finally:
I know Di already has this award but really I want to award it again to her as without her inspiration I would not be doing this. Reason enough I guess.
PS My HTML edit still doesn't work so appologies about the poor layout.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Playing catch up

The last week has been a whirlwind, a funeral, a flower show, a lot of hammering and banging and I seem to have been shopping almost every day, either for birthday presents (6 birthdays THIS week) or electrical stuff for the new house. Oh and I bought the living room curtains TWICE. I didn't realise I had the first pair until I put the second pair away. DUH.
Anyway life should get a little more calm now, before the storm of a trip to Denmark, Hayseed Dixie AND Status Quo on the same bill at Dudley Castle, a trip to Cornwall, a possible trip to Greece and moving house. All before the end of September. Whew.
No more time to type tonight, but I have some interesting news tomorrow, it's connected with Diane Shipley. Can you guess?

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Progress of sorts

The new house project is coming on slowly. The upstairs now looks like a building site however not quite as bad as that depicted by Thursday in the House of Gloom. We now have all new windows, woodwork, new ceilings, electrics and tomorow we will have coving. On Monday the painter moves in and I get to choose the colours. So far so good.

As for the rest of the house, the planning application is now in and the garden has been cleared of 14 conifers and a number of very large shrubs. It actually looks twice the size now. The fig tree has been stripped of all it's rambling roses and clematis and the figs are actually ripening. At the top of the slope we have uncovered 3 apple trees complete with apples and 2 blackcurrant bushes which yielded 2 pounds of currants. Once the ground dries out (if it ever does) we will knock a hole in the garage wall and get a mini digger in to landscape it all.

As to when I will move in, ask me another. WH was going to be in there a month ago, now he might move in next week. It's a moveable feast, however I'd like to be in by the end of September and have a birthday party/ housewarming there, on the other hand with all this awful weather, it looks like Greece is beckoning again.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

First I'm in then I'm out

I've had it with the Hayseed Dixie World Service. I finally got to join their Outhouse at the 7th attempt, posted one message and got kicked out. Some poor chap who must live near me, spent ages trying to help me out and I finally thought we'd done it. That feeling was short lived. I just went back to post again and I find I've been de-listed AGAIN.
I give up. It's not like me, but I have spent HOURS trying to sort this out, I even got a new email address and resurrected an old one, all to no avail. Why they think I am some sort of risk goodness only knows.
The gig on Thursday incidentally was brilliant, even though my heart was in another place. I'm looking forward to Dudley now in September with Status Quo.
As for their Outhouse, I think I'll pass.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Sad times

I lost a dear, dear friend yesterday. The Mother I should have had, instead of the one I got. Our friendship spanned 21 years, a generation gap, the loss of several relatives on both sides and whole lot more.
I went to a concert last night, knowing she was at life's end but her words were ringing in my ears, "Well I wouldn't waste tickets that I'd paid good money for. No way"
A bittersweet moment in the Hayseed's set, they played an Elvis song as a one off, one of my friend's favourites. I knew then she'd gone.
The day I walked into her life, which is how it actually happened, both our lives were changed forever. My life has been richer for knowing her, and I think I added a bit to her world too.
Her real family are now in mourning and shock, for this was sudden, she was well last week and gone this week. The whole of her community now surprised by the unforeseen, quick exit. Now she is at peace and I am left to ponder on why I should lose both mothers within 6 months.
Sometimes life just isn't fair.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hayseed Dixie - The Outhouse

The Outhouse is the message board part of the Hayseed Dixie World Service. I have tried unsuccessfully 4 times now to join this and each time I do, I never get the activation email to actually open the account. I even emailed the webmaster twice on the help tab, but he never ever answers.

I'm not sure what's going on here, I've tried different email addresses and even posted this blog in the hope that someone will realise I am a Genuine Fan but they just never let me in.

I'm off to see them at Bridgwater tonight and I might just accost one of the team if I can and ask them why they keep shutting the door on me. Maybe there's some thing about devon girls that's a bit TOO HOT even for them.

JW if you check this out please LET ME IN.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Absent friends

It's funny what you learn when you have a blog. Lots of people read it, some of those you think you know. Some of those you probably know. And when people live in an unusual place you really DO know who it is.
Most readers don't bother to comment, and when people do I often forget to reply, leastways I think I've replied and then at a later date I find I haven't. Then I feel guilty. And then there are the lurkers, who often read but never say a thing. You wonder sometimes who they are. Sometimes you know who they are and it surprises you.
I can tell mostly from my sitemeter who is looking and when. It would be nice to have a two-way dialogue sometimes. It's a strange feeling, friends read my thoughts and doings but never give anything in exchange.
So come on if you're out there reading, write a little comment once in a while, drop in and say hi. I'd love to know how you're doing too.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Blogger AGAIN

Just a note to say my edit function is not working and what I type in is not necessarily what shows on the page. Alright, the words and the typos are mine but the colours and the spacing are not.


I'll correct it when I am able!


Whilst Britain sinks under a deluge of water, my thoughts are still in Greece and warmer, actually hotter, weather and it's attendant problems.

I was looking at my pics of the waterbomber planes that we watched most days we were away, continuously scooping water out of the sea then flying over the forest fires and spraying the water from the air. Those guys were relentless and really caught our imagination and sympathy for what they were going through.

I looked up the Canadian designed plane (Canadair CL 415 or waterbomber) on the net as I had never seen one before and reading about it I discovered this amazing video of the Helenic Air Force in action fire fighting.
Sadly 7 Greek pilots have been killed in firefighting already this year and the summer's heatwave is not yet over. The worst bit is that the guy who made the youtube video above, died only yesterday.
As they say in other circles, respect. I truly mean it.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Greek by numbers

Ena 1 .........Number of Delta Nirvana pralines and cream ice-creams I ate, strangely I only want savoury stuff now but I thought that may have changed when I had another of these, my absolute favourite for so long, sadly it didn't.

Dio 2..........Number of swims before breakfast, well most days anyhow

Tria 3.........Number of oranges to make a glassful of freshly squeezed juice in my 10 euro new juicer

Tessera 4.....Number of cars parallel parked in Argalasti crossroads before the policeman blew his whistle and got them all moved

Pende 5.......Number of moths a gecko can eat in a minute if the going is really good

Eckse 6........Number of waterplanes in view at one time from Affisos beach when they were filling up in the Pagasitic Gulf

Efta 7.........Number of bottles of wine a week we drank on the terrace, yes I know we're both tea-total here but at less than 31 a bottle you have to really!

Octo 8.........Number of kilos of oranges bought for juicing in 2 weeks, not all at the same time, we'd got no where to store them all.

Enea 9.........Number of boats in front of the window in the morning

Deka 10...... Number of frappes two of you can drink in one day. They just don't taste the same here.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Back from the brink

Whew, it was hot out there, 42 degrees when we got to Greece and into a region of severe forest fires. Earlier in the week it had been 47 degrees so we escaped the worst. We spent one night in a hotel as the road was closed at Afites where the fire crossed over and so we couldn't get to Kalamos for 24 hours.
It was worth the wait though. I spent hours and hours in the sea, the locals recognised us from previous visits and we adapted perfectly to life in a small village at the water's edge.

Waterplane just about to scoop from the sea.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Gone away

Just a note to say we are off to Kalamos again tomorrow so I won't be around for a while.

I know I owe people emails but I have had so little time the last couple of weeks I am all behind.

The weather is set to be very hot so we'll be making the most of the sea at the end of the patio.

See you in two and a half weeks.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Life insurance medical

I saw my GP yesterday for a medical for my life insurance. I thought it was just me and my poor medical history that required it but I was told that they do it all the time now.

Anyway interesting reading going through my medical notes for the last 20 years and before, and an invaluable exercise for my GP too, as I have only actually been seeing this one for 9 months.

Things I found out:

I have been complaining about my hands for over 10 years.

My then GP in 1997 queried RA but never did anything about it.

They had me down as depressed, but when the GP dug into it, it was just a comment after I had 2 bereavements in the same year, 11 years ago. The diagnosis was removed from my long list of current problems

Another GP had frequently put 'unexplained weight gain' and never followed it up.

That same GP had documented my aversion to Amytriptiline and my refusal to take it on the grounds of weight gain but never tied the two things up.

My heart problems started immediately after I had Parvo virus as did the RA but it was never 'joined up'. The GP put that right too yesterday and said in the report that I had had both things as direct result of the Parvo virus, it being a well documented progression in adults.

If all this had been sorted out at the time I probably wouldn't have remained with the ME diagnosis and other problems I had would have been investigated more.

The GP concluded the report by saying that as conventional treatments had failed to have much effect I was now seeing my Lyme specialist and getting much better on this regime, giving credibility to the 'probable Chronic Lyme' diagnosis.

Interesting isn't it? When someone actually bothers to review all your notes not just the current appointment stuff.

I thought that this government was all in favour of 'Joined-up Thinking', pity it doesn't extend to Ms Hewitt's departments. Or then again it's really no surprise is it?

Sunday, June 24, 2007

It's a boy.

He finally arrived by c-section at 1pm on Friday, after 5 failed inductions and 4 days in hospital. Mum and babe doing well when we saw them yesterday. You forget how tiny these little ones are.

Friday, June 22, 2007

New house, new car, new baby?

We got the keys of the door on Monday. I bought a new (second hand) car on Wednesday. On Friday we are still awaiting the appearance of the 4th grandchild.

All week my stepdaughter has presented at her local maternity unit at 9am each morning to be induced. They have tried 5 times. Today she is 16 days overdue and is scheduled for a ceasarian this morning. To date they have had no beds. I hope to God they have one for her today.

She has gestational diabetes and group B strep. She was told she would not be allowed to go more than 7 days overdue as there was a risk she would have a very big baby. She was also told it would be 'out by Wednesday' - last Wednesday. She was told she would have a ceasarian last week. She was told she could not go more than 14 days overdue as it was dangerous. All conflicting and all disregarded as the time went on.

Now my anxious, depressed step-daughter, longing for her first baby, has been living on tenterhooks since last Thursday. Her partner has lost a week from work running backwards and forwards to the hospital each day.

Is this what the NHS calls primary care? Primary nightmare more like.

Read NHS Blog doctor on the subject of maternity care here

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Key of the door

We finally got the key to the new place yesterday. Even that didn't go according to plan, we should have been all sorted by 12 noon but the solicitors for the vendors didn't let anyone know that they had received the money and that we could fetch the key so we were hanging round for 3 hours.

Then my car started making a very loud noise again and I decided not to drive it. So tomorrow we have to go and get another one, in a hurry, which is not always such a good idea. The current one had only just been serviced and had it's MOT, sailing through with flying colours. Now it needs 4 new tyres, the radiator has sprung a leak, an oil pump is leaking and the steering has gone. In 5 years I have never had any trouble with this car, now it has decided to repay me big-time. Even WH who likes to keep a car until months after anyone else would have given up said he's not spending all that money on it and it has to go.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Stressed right out

Haven't posted for over 2 weeks, a record of a sort for me. I wasn't even on holiday.

The last fortnight has been almost a nightmare, they say house moving is stressful, well my solicitor has been conveyancing for over 30 years and she has never had a conveyance like it. After numerous false starts, a withdrawal, a re-market, several rows with estate agents, a complaint to the Law Society and numerous other set backs, we *might* exchange contracts tomorrow. I feel like I have taken up residence in the solicitors office and have wasted so much other precious time in the process. 16 weeks since I first viewed and we're still messing about.

Keep your fingers crossed it goes through OK. We need it to. What the heck, keep everything crossed, please.

Friday, May 25, 2007

So nice to see you

I paid a visit to my Rheumatologist on Wednesday. This was a twelve week follow up from my last appointment in December, (no, I couldn't get the maths to add up either) postponed a further month by the hospital for one of 3 possible reasons, which one they did not specify.

First of all they have changed the waiting area, you check in one area and then are directed to sit in one of five jump seats along a narrow corridor facing a brick wall. This doubles as the chiropody area too so we were treated to a long monologue by an an elderly lady in a wheelchair parked at right angles so the corridor was not blocked. She talked of neighbours long dead,businesses lost and a full rundown of all her relatives faults. No actually she didn't talk she barked, droned and berated, monotonously for hours, or so it seemed. After a few minutes I approached by a nurse and told that I was 'next but one' but there would be a slight wait. The chap on the end groaned. He was the 'next'. He told me his appointment was some 75 minutes earlier. We sat and stewed on a boiling hot day in a corridor with no air. Eventually 'next' was called.

Two other couples then arrived all at once, names were taken and the nurse told me not long to go now, but it could have been worse, the previous two patients hadn't turned up. We all changed seats so the couples could sit together. the nurse came and suggested these late arrivals could go and sit in the coffee shop and she would fetch them. Luckily I had my bottle of water to sustain me. The elderly lady was taken to chiropody, the chap before me came out.

Some twenty minutes later another nurse asked if I had been forgotten. She disappeared, then came back and said "Doctor is reviewing your notes, you''ll be in soon. " Another ten minutes passed. Finally, one hour and forty minutes after my allotted time I was called in.

The consultant beamed, "I haven't seen you for a while have I?"

Er No. I had a locum last time and and the time before that and the last one was horrid. She mentioned his notes. I told her I did not like him. "He's from New Zealand," was the reply, "but he did put you on Methotrexate ." (Only after I had had specifically asked for another treatment when he had tried to end the consultation).

We discussed my diagnosis of Chronic Lyme. "How are you now? " I told her I was better than I had been for 10 years, was responding to the treatment, had good blood test results, all my 'lumps' had disappeared from the palms of my hands and other than the fact my hands are still curling up at night, I was heaps better. I asked whether or not I should see someone for the tendons in my hands which have been noticed by everyone I have seen for the last few years. They are thickened, painful and very stiff in the mornings causing this propensity for my hands to curl up.

"Can you make a fist?"

"Well yes, that's the problem, too much fist", she pushed my wrists up and down and cast a cursory glance at the back and front of my hands.

"OK then, you don't need to see anyone, you can move your fingers." Eh???

I demonstrated my ability to bend over, stretch up, put my arms above my head and behind my back.

"I am concerned that this private doctor is charging you too much. How much do you pay?" I named a figure I knew was about one quarter of her consultation fee as WH has seen her privately in the past. "Oh that's not too bad then." Not too bad, it more like a brilliant bargain. This chap is obviously not in it for the money. "What about the private prescriptions?" I didn't tell her I had stockpiled from the NHS prescriptions and would only need a few. I again named a ridiculously low figure. " You're quite happy then?"

Almost deliriously so I told her. I had found a doctor who believed me, a treatment that works and after 15 years I am improving ,albeit slowly and probably not completely. I am doing more, I had spent the previous morning gardening, I could go out more and what is more I have the stamina not to crash completely afterwards.

"Well we will have to agree to differ then. Your treatment is unusual and not at all main stream. It is very controversial; there are a lot of opponents both here and in the USA" The words left unsaid told me that she was one of them. I already knew that.

"I don't think there is any need to see me again until you want further hep from me. So nice to see you again."

The consultation was over. Why on earth did I bother going?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I don't want to go to Chelsea

That used to be one of my favourite songs, by Elvis Costello for those too young to remember.

This weekend however, I am going to Chelsea Flower Show and yes I really, really want to go. WH's business very very ocasionally has it's good side. This is one of them. One of his suppliers is sponsoring a show garden and we got tickets to go on not one but two whole days.

It's a bit of a marathon from here so we're staying up in town, not often I can write that I tell you, not least because the price of the hotel is only twice what the parking would cost! I'm planning a lovely weekend of gardening, bit of sightseeing and maybe some shopping too. Oh and WH gets to come along with his credit card too.

Just hope that daughter No 2, who is days away from giving birth, doesn't choose this weekend to get going. After I've been to the show she is allowed, but fingers crossed, not before, please.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Moving like a tortoise

Our house move has now been on the cards for 12 weeks. We are still no nearer to completion of our purchase. We finally received a draft contract this week as the vendors solicitors, two rival firms, have now stopped squabbling amongst themselves (and all over £20 too, it's disgraceful) only to discover yesterday that some probate certificates were missing and which the vendors solicitors had neglected to notice. Thank goodness our lady is on the ball.

So it's all back to the drawing board again. We can't now even get the key until we have been on holiday so it means that any work we need to do wil be after that. We want to extend the kitchen and at this rate we will not get planning consent until at least October which means we will have missed the whole of the summer, the light nights and good weather. We are now talking of having it ready for Christmas. Big deal. I was looking forward to spending the summer in the beautiful, south-facing garden and eating-out on the permanently warm sun terrace. I was looking forward to the extra space and the quiet away from barking dogs and noisy neighbours.

The original plan was to have moved in 2 weeks ago and the vendor was at great pains to ensure that we completed within 6 weeks. Shame that all the delay has been caused by his team. Of course he will get his money in due course, as for us, we are left with the feeling that we have wasted the whole of this year.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Lyme disease week 15

I've been on high level antibiotics (Doxycycline) now for 15 weeks. I'm doing OK, my activity level is 50% of what it was when I was well, ie 15 years ago. It is about 500% higher than when I was at my worst last autumn. I've had a few problems with the dreaded fungal attack but with a judicious dose of Diflucan once a week and by taking high dose probiotics I now have it all under control. The worst aspect is my high susceptibility to sunburn which is a small price to pay for such a brilliant recovery. This week it's no bother at all, having had wall to wall rain for the last 10 days (ever since my visitors arrived!)

I see Dr Thomas Stuttaford in The Times yesterday was writing about the perils of Lyme which seems to have become headline news over the last few weeks. One of the points he makes is this: if left untreated, about 60 per cent of patients who have had Lyme disease develop severe arthritis. Well stone the crows, my Rheumatoid Arthritis isn't rheumatoid after all. Actually we had already decided that. Despite the fact I am taking absolutely no medication whatsoever for Arthritis, it is going, I can move, the swelling is going and best of all the hard lumps which I had on the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet have gone. Completely. Bloods taken last week revealed, as the nurse reading them out to me said " better results than you have had for about 20 years". Markers for infection and arthritis were almost normal.

Now for the sting in the tail. A consultation with my GP last week made clear that although I was recovering better than anyone had hoped, the practice partners had had a meeting and confirmed their earlier decision not to prescribe any more of the antibiotics as they are "off licence". I must get them via a private prescription from my private consultant, for which of course, I must pay.

OK, I have posted on this topic before, but that was before I had definite proof that the treatment is really working.

You know what, NICE sucks and so does the NHS. I have been unable to work for 15 years, I finally have a treatment that is working but hey, as if I am not disadvantaged enough already, I have to pay for it myself. No matter that 2 years of NHS time and money was wasted trying to find an arthritis medication to which I was not allergic and pain relief for a condition I didn't have.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Old Southern Bluegrass Riverside Bogswamp Family Band

get a load of this.

My nephew is the lead guitarist and writer of the piece. I am so proud. A real musician in the family.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

All change on the western front

I know what the seaside landladies call change over day now.

Today I have some very old family friends arriving for the rest of the week. Their 22nd year here and probably the last time in this house before we move. This morning I was up with the lark changing rooms round, making beds and shooing the cats off clean linen.

The weather does not look promising but I'm sure we'll find plenty to do, we always do. Tonight I'm cooking a Greek meal so I hope that will inject some sun at any rate.

Watch this space for news of what we get up to.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Not much to say

...other than it has been an extremely busy week so far:

The Painter is in residence sorting out the bathroom
I have spent HOURS on the phone to solicitors, estate agents and the like.
Mr Hippy Chic has been to visit and to collect his post.
WH's No 1 Assistant is coming back from India and bringing his wife to visit too. Yay!
I dug up a huge bush in the back garden.
I'm sunburnt badly from the effects of gardening, so....
I am now sporting a big hat, cotton gloves and fetching zinc white sunblock.
The holiday confirmation arrived.
I have been packing for the move.

I am still feeling so much better. ......

Friday, April 27, 2007

In my garden this week

One of the biggest clumps making an impact is Euphorbia characias ssp wulfeni which looks stately and imposing when viewed from the patio. This particular bush wasn't planted by me in this place, I had an older bush probably 10 years ago which succumbed to the inevitable winter wet and was no more. Suddenly last year up came a seedling in an entirely different place and it grew to it's full 3 feet in less than 12 months. I see now that there is yet another seedling close by. One for the transplant list, to be taken to the new abode later in the summer.

My other bloom this week is the perennially lovely Granny Bonnet or Columbine, properly known as Aquilegia vulgaris, the European Columbine.

My strains mostly came from seed obtained from Joan Loraines's garden, Greencombe at Porlock a good few years ago. the really blue blues seem to having all disappeared due to their promiscuous nature. They most likely interbred with some of the others I had too, so now all I have left is a mish-mash of hybrids. They're early this year too and somehow better because they stand out more because of it.

Hopefully this will be the first of a weekly(ish) series through the summer, like last year. As the house we are moving too has it's own lovely garden they'll be some reports from there later on. I just wish I could show you the beautiful Wisteria sinesis which is already adorning the pergola.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Rocking with the Hayseeds

This time last week I was off to see my fave band Hayseed Dixie at Exeter University. Once again they kept the audience bopping away for a full two hour set, full of gems like their take on Walk this Way, Holiday and Dirty Deeds. I prefer their original material and their best on the night (and on their new album) has got to be She Was Skinny When I Met Her although John Wheeler aka Barley Scotch dug himself into rather a deep hole in the intro given the age and stature of some of the audience (myself included).

I have now found that I can re-live some of their concert material for free on a brilliant site of their archive material and YES! it's free in line with their philosophy of giving good value for money and playing for expenses only. Have a good laugh at gems like Kirby Hill and listen to the speed and skill of Don Wayne Reno's banjo playing and Dale Reno on the mandolin. Barley Scotch isn't bad on the fiddle either.

If you like rock and you like something different you'll love this.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dr Wonderful

I saw my Lyme doctor yesterday. He is very pleased with my progress and more to the point so am I and so is WH. Daily I can feel the layers peeling away and I am becoming almost human again. Eleven weeks of the antibiotic therapy is beggining to give some lasting benefit. I'm trying for another 12 weeks by which time I should be part way there.

Two things conspire to scupper my progress, the first is inbuilt, I am reacting to the sun big-time. I have to keep out of it and, for a died in the wool sunworshipper and lover of the great outdoors, this is hard. I wear factor 50 all the time but even so, a short drive to our nearest shops (6 miles) gave me a substantial burn on my right hand. Dr Wonderful suggests that on my forthcoming trip to Greece I stop the meds a few days before-hand to get the drug out of my system and don't take it for the duration of the trip. If this works I will be really over the moon.

The second blur on the horizon is the very real possibilty that my GP practice will not now prescribe me any more antibiotics beacuse they are 'off licence' in this treatment. It won't stop me taking them, however, as I shall obtain a private presciption and get the drugs elsewhere. It does beg the question though, which I have posed here before, would the NHS prefer for me to remain ill rather than stump up the cost of the drugs which are making a real improvement to my health for the first time in 15 years?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

All gone south

Thanks to NHS blogdoctor my hits were at an all time high yesterday and the pattern looks like being repeated today. Hello to all of you medics out there, hope you learn something about how not to treat your patients when you read my experiences!

I think however my blog template now has a neurological illness in common with it's owner. For some reason all my side-bar stuff all went south during the day and best of all I didn't even touch it.

I examined all my code and it looks like it should do. I hope this is just one of those routine blogger blips and it will all slide back to it's rightful place.

Somehow I am not convinced. Watch this space.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Aren't our service industries wonderful?

I had a summons yesterday morning because BT said I had not paid mother's last phone bill.

The bill was dated 4th April, I paid it on 10th April and the summons was dated 16th April. I was so mad and I getting very angry on the phone and I KNOW it wasn't that girl's fault so I just had to put the phone down.

When Mother died I called up and told them. I was told that I would have to transfer it into my name if I wanted to keep the line temporarily, which I did. I didn't get a bill at all, so on 4th April I phoned them and they said one had been issued but I had obviously not received it. It must have been lost in the post. I decided there and then to have it cut off as we were not doing all the trips up there that we anticipated and anyway we had now sold the flat. The girl said she would reissue the old bill then cut off the phone then a new bill would come which would be less than the first so not to pay that, just pay the final one which I did and of course she was right because it was £26 less than the first bill.

Then I get this summons for non-payment of £32. I went ballistic. WH handed me the phone and found my cheque book whilst I was dialling the accounts department. First off they said "Oh it's a new account and because you didn't pay your first bill they summons you immediately. "

What within 12 days? (or actually 6 working days)

When I said about it having been mother's phone I was then told "Oh you shouldn't have changed the name on the account because if it's a deceased account they give you 3 months to pay."

Hey? I did that because BT told me to.

Then they said "Yes but it doesn't alter the fact you had not paid the first bill on the account," so I reminded the BT person that I called up in the first place because I didn't get one.

"Oh well that's due to the Post Office, not BT. You will have to complain to them"

Looking on my calendar there were 6 working days between the date of the final bill and the date of the summons, Easter was in the centre which reduced tham a bit. The bill arrived on Fri 6th because they only send them out second class and I paid on Tues 10th in my bank, the very next working day. Can't see how I could have done it any quicker. That apparently was not acceptable. Yet when I eventually move house I have to give them at least 5 working days to move my phone line.

It then took a further week or 5 working days to go through BT's computer system and did not show up as a payment until 17th the day after the summons. Interesting the summons itself took 4 days to reach me, second class post of course. If BT are so hung up on short time scale maybe they should use a faster delivery service themselves.

I then pointed out that my other (home) BT account is paid by standing order and is £80+ in credit as their monthly payment scheme does not allow me to make a smaller payment and I only actually pay for the line rental and get cheaper calls elsewhere. I was told "Oh we don't check your other accounts even if they are the same address."

So actually BT still owe me money, and I am wondering what on earth this country is coming to and how many other people have fallen foul of ridiculous situations like this.

First the NHS is taking it's last dying gasps now our (once) national telephone service has gone the same way.