Friday, February 05, 2010

Time flies

I thought that was only when you are enjoying yourself. Not true!

I'm STILL recovering from the nasty bug which I have now had since the beginning of November. My GP was forthright, OK I agree with the other chap you saw you have had Swine Flu. Well stone the crows, he hadn't told me that so I was gobsmacked to say the least. It did sort of explain why I am still suffering.

Anyway enough of me, it's been really hectic around here. This week we finally got got Mother in Law into a nursing home after several false starts and a run in with her newly appointed social worker who scuppered the whole thing more than once. Devon has a shortage of social workers so they are obviously now appointing chairs instead. WH got more sense from the chair than that guy spoke. It took 3 hours to fill out a form and if we didn't understand it the erstwhile social worker certainly didn't. If it hadn't been for the staff nurse from the PCT we would still be there now, a whole week later.

WH had his fractures reviewed and it was bad news, more time off work and he has little use in his right hand. More physio was called for, so feeling more hopeful he went to his next appointment. The physiotherapist told him to carry on doing the exercises he already was doing, no examination and nothing whilst he was there to check was he was doing, nothing, Nada. He could have had the consult over the phone and saved everyone some time and the NHS some money because God Knows they've wasted enough telling him absolutely nothing.

Meanwhile we've been planning a new strategy for this summer. We have to have some income from something, he hasn't worked since August and I haven't worked outside the home for 18 years now so we're going to do something together, each doing the bits we are able to. So far it's all under wraps but suffice to say we have bought a caravan, a temporary home for our new career and have been beavering away to prepare, OK not as hard as most people would beaver away but a little bit between rests, naps and doctors appointments.

More later.