Thursday, March 23, 2006

Brotherly love

The depressed painter is in residence. He arrives each morning to a hot cup of tea, he reaches for it greedily and whilst he drinks it we chew over the 16 or so hours since he left. This morning he has a chill. "I've taken more paracetamol over night than they have in Boots." It's a wonder he's here at all then.

He talks about a music project he is involved in, he's on the internet. I ask him what he plays, "The fool, mostly." Then he reverts to more familiar subjects. "Mother went out his morning, don't know why she had to in this weather. Well, I suppose it's stuff for my brother again. He doesn't appreciate it you know. Mother cooked roast lamb on Sunday, all the works and do you know what, my brother ate it in his dressing gown. Disgusting at his age. He pushed the meat round the plate, left the table and went to his room. Absolute waste of time Mother cooking it." I nod encouragingly. "He disappeared after that and I heard him come back about 1am, woke us all up. Next morning he had no hair! Don't know where he'd been."

"The hairdressers perhaps?" I offer, "On a Sunday?"

Brother is a local councillor, "He fills the living room with all his junk, all his papers, his lap top and everything. There's nowhere to sit, not that I have time what with the garden, washing up and cleaning his room for him. I told him, he'd have to sort himself out!"

The next night the living room had been cleaned, "Nice as pie he was last night, he even helped me with my computer. I bet tonight will be different, he's got a meeting and then he doesn't even bother to come in for his dinner. Don't know why Mother had to go out specially just to buy him some bananas."

And so it goes on. I suggest stress counselling or just move out. "Couldn't do that, what about Mother?"

I suspect Mother might rather like a spell without her two offspring arguing like 10 year-olds. After all they are both in their 50's.


Anonymous said...

LOL! That poor woman, I bet she'd be over the moon to be rid and poor you having to listen to THAT! Glad he's gone for now! x

Unknown said...

He's actually quite funny if you don't take him seriously!!