Friday, March 17, 2006

Telephone troubles

My telephone has been hot today. First off, I get the usual calls from WH as he does in the mornings when he is away. Strangely, he is not giving me lists of tasks nor does he want phone numbers texting to him.

Then my elderly friend calls, she has to make an appointment for a scan at hospital and she wants to check I can take her. He daughter lives only 4 miles more distant than I but Ho Hum she's unavailable. Funny.... we don't even know the date yet. Friend calls back again, she has been offered 3 appointments, non of which are in Taunton at the regular hospital, one is in Chard, one is in Weymouth and one is in West Mendip which neither of us has ever heard of. We decide on Chard, being the nearest. She calls back, that appointment has gone. She calls the GP to check exactly what scan she must have as there seems to be some confusion at the hospital. The GP rings her back, she has been offerd two more appointments. She tries to book the first and is told that that too has gone. She books the second regardless and hopes thatIi can go on that date. Her daughter has meanwhile called again and said she is unavailable. Surprise, surprise.

In the midst of all this the builder's merchant calls. The paint they are mixing is not recognised by their machine. I give them the code again. Their number is incorrect. They try again. Then they call me again. The number is still incorrect. I read it out to them from the previous tin yet again. 'Oh I was still using the wrong number, I'll try again' they call back a third time, 'What was the number again?' This time they get it right 'Yeah, the machine is mixing it now, it will be on the delivery.' Thiry minutes later they phone me again. 'We can't deliver today, could you collect it in the morning?' I have waited all day for this.

WH phones a few minutes later, "Can you go (to a different builder's merchant) and get me some stuff cut. It should fit in the car if you put the seats down. Oh and by the way I ordered a load of timber from the first place, you'll have to fit that in too."

Sometimes I wish I was disconnected.

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