Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Well it's done

My happy, friendly, peaceful sanctuary is no more. The self destruct button was pushed and it went. I thought it was likely last week although others were more doubtful, but events took a turn for the worse and the little pools of hate and mallice turned into a river and then flood, spilling over everything and anyone that it touched. Even the 'impartials' turned partial. The decision was made for me. I could never stay in a place like that whilst friends were hurting and gagged. I decided to give notice.

And you know the strangest thing, one of the missing returned. To gloat, to revel, to dance on the bombsite before the dust had even settled.

Today we move on, sadder and wiser but knowing where we stand.

"A true friend will always stab you in the front,"
Oscar Wilde

This piece is dedicated to my good friend H who dared to ask a question


Anonymous said...

Yesterday was a sad day indeed Jas. I can't believe I was stupid enough to ever consider those people as friends. Anyway let them get on with it, it's pathetic and just not worth the energy and to be honest I am very relieved to be out of there!

Onwards and upwards, I am hitting Spain in 10 days time and I can't wait!!! Time for a new chapter I feel!

Love your good friend H xx

Unknown said...

Yes, time to move on, Thanks H.xx

Anonymous said...


What lovely words ! I am very moved but of course deeply upset by what's happened.

"Dance on the bombsite" Yes I agree entirely - I'm appalled.

Love Vicki x

What an excellent blog btw.

Unknown said...

Thanks for you kind comments Vicki.

Jas xx