Saturday, March 18, 2006

One step forward, two steps back

What a strange ailment ME is. I bet I'm not the first to have said this. Just when you think everything is hunky dorey the illness jumps up and bites you on the metaphorical bum. It did that with me today.

The last few weeks have been Ok-ish, battling with the plaquenil and the RA, but my ME and fibro symptoms have not been too bad. The cynical of those amongst you will say that it is because I had my mind on other things. But no, really I have been OK, as long as I get to bed before 11pm and get at least 9 hours sleep I am fine. No need to sleep in the afternoons, no crushing tiredness and even the night sweats have disappeared; that is really saying something. You can't conjour up those by just thinking about them, after all, by definition, they occur when you are asleep!

Today I awoke feeling tired. After a breakfast of a banana and a hot cross bun I went to fetch some stuff for WH, a matter of driving to the builder's merchants, have them load the car, then drive to the supermarket. By the time I arrived in the supermarket I was foggy and shaking. I know from past experience my blood sugar had dropped drastically. I know I need to eat protein to restore it. I went into the coffee shop and asked for chicken and a side salad. They don't do that. I had to have chicken and chips AND a side salad. I was in no mood to argue. I paid up and sat down. The food came and I ate a few mouthfuls but just couldn't get it down, too tired to eat. I forced myself.
After 40 minutes of sitting I felt revived enough to go round the store clutching a trolley, I only wanted a few items, the bill came to £18 proving I did not buy much.

Now I'm home the fog is returning. This must be the start of a flare, although I have not had this particular symptom for over 5 years. At one time when ever I went anywhere I had to go and sit in a cafe and have a drink or a snack even if I had eaten less than an hour before. I can usually go out for 4 hours at least, not today, one hour and I was floored.

I'm planning very lazy days tomorrow and Monday. On Tuesday the decorator will be here and I can't stay in bed then....or can I??


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this Jas. Do think you ate the wrong breakfast though which wouldn't have helped.

I hope this doesn't become a bad flare but I would suggest you might have overdone it preparing for decorating.

Hope you feel better soon.

Love Vicki

Unknown said...

Don't think the breakfast had anything to do with it. I always have a piece of fruit and usually toast but I ate the bun as 1)it needed eating up and 2)it didn't need any butter/spread on it so lower cal!

Maybe I did overdo the room clearing but I have been doing a LOT more than that in the past 3 months. Just one of those things I think.