Monday, March 20, 2006

Baking for Britain

No, not what I have been doing but the name of a brilliant Food Blog I have been reading.

Amongst the plethora of writing which are Food Blogs one stands out head and shoulders above the rest, Baking for Britain.

This is written by Anna a Brit who sings the praises of British food, almost as a worship and this can't be bad after the poor press British food has had across the world. I had been staring to think that all all the best Food Blogs were either written by Continental Euopeans or by those from across the pond.

I love the way the writer goes into all the details of the food history and other little titbits, the wealth of information about the origins of the dish in question and the finally the recipes themselves, enough to want you, nay beg you to try them out.
Give this a read, you will be pleasantly surprised.

I have paid my own homage to Britsh tradition this morning and made WH 18 cornflake cakes which now sit in the kitchen cooling. Unfortunately they are a long way short of the standard of Baking for Britain, the sentiment is there if not the execution.

Cornflake cakes
4 oz bar Cadbury's chocolate
Sufficient cornflakes to be coated with chocolate

Melt chocolate on half power in the microwave (about 4-5 mins)
Stir in cornflakes until they are covered with the chocolate
Spoon mixture into individual bun-cases
Leave in a cool place until chocolate had set.


AnnaW said...

Hello Jas,

Thanks very much for the positive feedback! I'm glad to know that you have been enjoying my blog.

I love chocolate crispy cakes. They are also nice made with branflakes (give a very nutty flavour), and I like mine served straight from the fridge (although careful on the teeth if you do!).

Do you have any recipes for Greek cakes or pastries that you recommend trying out?

With best wishes.

Unknown said...

I don't actually cook Greek sweets as there would only be me to eat them. Do not need all those calories.

I do like Galactoboureki (custard tart) and Karidopita which is Walnut Cake. MMMM!

Baklava and Kataifi I find much too sweet.