Tuesday, August 01, 2006

This week mostly

I'm reading.....

Alphabet Weekends by Elizabeth Noble. Two old friends get together and he fancies her but she need convincing. This is the story of a game they play; they spend 26 weekend together and each gets to choose in turn the theme of the weekend which must begin with the relevant letter. So far I've got to F - family get-together. I love Elizabeth Noble's writing, her other books The Tenko Club and The Reading Group were good too. Like great big warm hug wrapped roung a great story.

I'm watching.....

Misty and the others playing with their new Cat Shelter in the back garden. This is a wicker constrution like a small beehive with a little opening at the front and gives the cats shade from the recent hot sun. We bought it from the maker at a recent garden show. Misty loves it though I don't think anyone else has had a look-in yet!

I'm eating.....

pasta and asparagus salad. I made it to take to a barbecue last Friday and you guessed it, I left it behind. So now I'm eating it all up. Mind you it is rather yummy especially with some feta cheese on the top!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pasta salad sounds delicious. You always have such good food, you should have a recipe section here. Hugs.