Thursday, August 03, 2006

Another Loss

We discovered recently that our stray cat Napoleon was no stray. He belonged to someone else around the corner and was called Merlin. Even after we swapped notes on him and repeatedly took him back to his real owners he still preferred to sleep at our place under the parasol in the back garden. He had found them by chance, just wandered in and stayed for 12 years. He had become a part of the furniture here too over the last three years. He was apparently on medication and at times the owners had to bring the pills round here to get me to give them to him. Last Thursday after a couple of calls from his owner asking where he was (not with us on those occasions) we found him and took him home. We have not seen him since. A chance meeting today with his owner revealed they have had him put to sleep as he "was never home to take his pills".

WH and I are upset, speechless at the kind of person who has done this to a perfectly happy little cat who just happened to prefer someone else's garden.

We are in mourning.


Anonymous said...

What a very sad story Jas. So upsetting for you.

Try to think of Napoleon in a beautiful garden elsewhere now.

V x

Anonymous said...

How very sad, what kind of people would do that to a perfectly happy animal. How despicable. Napoleon I choose to see you playing with all the animal that have gone, Puff's Chloe just had to go and be with Snowball. Now Napoleon can be with them.

Anonymous said...

I'm appalled and am so, so sorry.

Anonymous said...

That is so sad, Jas, I am very sorry.

Unknown said...

Thank you for all you kind comments. Misty is missing him too, keeps looking through the cat flap and can't understand why Napoleon is not there staring back!

Highlights from two years of blogging. said...

I'm so sorry Jas- and quite shocked a vet would do this, tablets or no.

I meant to send you my condolences before- I'm SO sorry I didn't, even though he was a 'stray' cat, they still become part of your life all the same... how sad.

Love and hugs to you,
D xxx