Monday, May 08, 2006

Plaquenil report 11 weeks on

Well I have been on this now since 20th February, a total of 11 complete weeks. My hands were starting to swell and hurt again last week so I have upped the dose from the one I was on to the reccomended 2giving me 400mg. So far no change. It does make me more nauseous but other than that I'm OK except for the crushing tiredness at night but maybe that is because I am for ever overdoing it and push myself too far. I've got just over 2 weeks to get rested and sorted before the exodus to Greece.

I don't go and see the rheumy until July so that is not exactly the 4 month referral period he gave me, more like 6 months. I just hope this stuff keeps my bad shoulders and stiff hands at bay. The hand stiffness does seem to be creeping back however, and the Raynauds is worse than ever. The exceedingly cold spring has not helped this. On Saturday my left foot was going numb too, not such good news. If we could just have some warm weather I'm sure the Raynauds will go away.

Keep your fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about this. Hugs

Anonymous said...

I hope that the higher dose will help you Jas.
Try not to overdo things and get so very tired.

Vicki x