Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This week, mostly

I'm eating.....

ice-cream on account of having mumps. Not bad to be asked to be a Godmother and have children give you a wonderful present on the day.

Then you're sick for a fortnight!

I will never forget my Goddaughter or her brothers!

I'm reading.....

Not a lot. Just on the last lap of a decorating revamping session so have had no time. Usually I have a couple of books on the go. Ah well there's always next week.

I'm watching....

Siskins and Goldfinches in my garden. They are having a great time on the niger feeders. There is a real little flock of about 10 Siskins who Bill Oddie once described as 'acrobatic little birds'. Today 3 Goldfinches joined in and were having a lovely time flitting from feeder to feeder until Big Daddy Greenfinch came along and shoved them all out of the way. He didn't want the niger anyway. Peanuts are more his style. He was just flexing his muscles. He didn't notice the little Willow Tit though did he? sneaked one of the peanuts and flew up in the tree to eat it in peace.....

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