Sunday, February 26, 2006

Stone Cold Sunday

Sky grey, cold day.
Wind, wind ,wind
Winds round, round.
Whines through.
Whistles, whistles, whistles.

Boughs bow, branches bend
Down, down, down,
Stirring the sky.
Birds beat
Wings wearily

Grass grows wintery white.
Soft, soft soft,
Snow settles slow,
Slow, slow.
Blows, blows, blows.

Air crisp, cuts, burns
Stings, stings, stings.
Eyes run, tears tear
Rosy cheeks in two
Rivers of ice.

Wind blows, cold grows
Deeper, deeper, deeper.
Marrow bitter.
Fingers throb
White, white, white.

Door opens, heat hits-
A rush of blood.
Glow, glow, glow.
Bodies sigh
Ah, ah, ah.

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