Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yet another NHS rant....

Whoops they did it again..... and this time it's not anyone in this household but someone locally using the same GP practice and whose treatment, or rather non-treatment, has shocked us to the core.

About 2 years ago this lady pulled a muscle in her side moving something awkwardly in the stockroom at work. A few days rest with a couple of analgesics a day had failed to improve the dull ache she felt. Six weeks later and the pain was still there. her GP said it would take time to heal, these things always did. A whole year later she was still experiencing pain in the affected side. Still the GP recommended, gentle exercise and to stop thinking about it so much. Eighteen months later and the pain was worse, she became yet another heart-sink patient," keep on taking the pain killers; take your mind off it; maybe you're depressed, have some antidepressants" ad nauseum. A appointment with a second GP, the first being on holiday reinforced the 'non-treatment'. Maybe it WAS all in the mind.

Eight weeks ago when the pain at night was unbearable her husband said he'd had enough and took her to A&E. After a few blood tests and such like she was kept in and had an MRI scan. The next day she was informed that she had something seriously wrong internally, most likely cancer of the liver. The following week she underwent a liver biopsy and another scan. Four weeks later she was finally told they had lost the results and she must undergo another. Last week she was admitted again for the second biopsy. By now weak and quite poorly it was questionable whether she was fit enough to undergo it. She had yet another scan and more tests. The day of scan dawned and she was told early on that she wouldn't be having one. The doctor would be down later to speak to her about it. By then the family was distraught, finally in the late afternoon a junior doctor appeared and bluntly told her there was no point having any biopsies, the cancer had spread to the pancreas, was widespread throughout her system. She failed to take it all in and in case was not told the prognosis in layman's terms, her poor husband had to relay the 'simple' explanation, "He means it's too far gone, they can't do anything". Cue to go home, although it was suggested a couple of days in the hospice might 'help her sort herself out'. A planned course of chemotherapy at the local centre of excellence had been cancelled. 2It wouldn't do you any good". Home she went to face a bleak future, no sign of any additional treatments for the now numerous weakening symptoms.

This week the chemo team rang, "Where are you? You should have started treatment today". On being told that it was all cancelled as it would be pointless all that was rubbished, "Nonsense, we can make you feel more comfortable, deal with some of the symptoms and give you a bit longer with your family. She declined the opportunity unwilling to throw her hat in with the NHS any longer.

National Health SERVICE? If that's what they call service you can keep it.

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