Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Tidal wave

Well it's been quite an eventful week one way or another but not stuff I really want to write about just now. I have been upping the Samento and Banderol though. After I could tolerate 10 drops each time for a couple of days, I started increasing the dose exponentially so I'm now up to 25 drops of each in the morning and 10 drops at night with no extra effect. I am starting to see little improvement too, certainly a lot of the brain fog is lifting and I have slightly more energy.

Tomorrow in London is the PHE Conference on Lyme disease. What started out looking like a seemingly boring presentation of the same old same old in relation to the new Lyme unit being set up in Hampshire, now begins to look slightly more promising with the input of Lady Mar, the LDA and real live patients. I wish I could have gone but it is just too far and too expensive by public transport and driving on my own out of the question.  Several people from a group I belong to are going so I'm looking forward to their reports afterwards. PHE have promised some transcripts and videos afterwards but I admit I'm sceptical of some of their answers to questions about these provisions put to them in advance.

With various other pieces of research coming to light now and the recent statement regarding Lyme Disease and services in the HPA (Health Protection Agency) we can begin to see a tiny chink of light at the end of a very long tunnel. The tide is starting to turn for Lyme disease but I dont expect it to be even half way in in  my lifetime.

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