Saturday, April 18, 2009

Waking up

A whole two weeks since I wrote anything here and most of that time I have been asleep. I am really not doing so well on the osteoporosis meds and actually stopped taking them 3 days ago. The brain fog is lifting, the sleepiness is going and I feel like a different person. No doubt my GP will have something to say but I really can't go on like that. It's almost summer and I have too much to do. I am STILL waiting another consult with the Rheumatology guy and am not taking anything at all for the arthritis which is having it's own problems like 24 hour pain. Until that is sorted the garden will have to wait.

WH has just left for the cupboard supplier and will be fitting out the utility room this afternoon. Another box we can tick. Yesterday a knock at the door revealed an EHO from the council investigating a blocked drain further down the road. I checked his credentials (yes really !) and let him in to dye test our drains. Walking into the kitchen he stopped dead. "Wow, it's a bit different from next door" and he went on to ask me about the flooring which he wanted for his own kitchen. As he left he said "You've got a great room there, I love the light". Coming soon after an estate agent (for the other house) had said it was like walking into another country it was so bright and sunny, that pleased me no end. So far only WH's sister has made a bad comment along the lines of how small the kitchen was, at 5m square just who is she kidding, it's 3 times the size of hers (meow, meow). So maybe the wait has been worth it and WH has really created his wow effect which was what he was aiming at all along.

I promise I really will post pictures soon.


Joanne said...

Hi So sorry to hear about your brain fog and pain. I can feel it for you so so endless. Life goes on without you but glad to hear the brain fog is lifting off the meds. Hope you are going to check out Lyme disease again sorry to nag but I am so well since being on antibiotics as I know you did ok before when you were on antibiotics. So many people find lyme re occurs.

Hope you visit my blog and enjoy the garden.

Glad your kitchen has the waw affect.

Carol said...

I wish you were feeling better. I hope everything clears up before your trip to Greece.

I'm glad there are more items to be ticked off the list on your house. It's all coming together.

Anonymous said...

Look forward to seeing the pics. Hope you're awap.
